Friday, September 12, 2008

Birthday Blog poll results and learn more about me!

Hi! Thanks for all of you who voted on my random birthday poll questions! :-) Here are the results, I will give the correct answers and some background behind the questions after each poll results.

What birthday cake did I have every year between the ages of 13--20?

White/Vanilla..................................1 vote (20%)

Chocolate..........................................0 vote (0%)

Pumpkin............................................3 votes (60%)

How would I know? :-)......................1 vote (20%)

The correct answer is pumpkin cake! Congratulations to pumpkin voters you won! :-)
I do like white/vanilla cake and that was a good guess. Also, I am not a huge fan of chocolate...everyone must have known that! :-) The answer "how would I know" was put in for all the people who like to be difficult.... :-)

Now you may what birthday cakes have you had since then? Here are those answers:

20--White Chocolate Fudge Cake
21--Lane Cake (old fashioned Southern cake--technically a Christmas cake)
22--Double Coconut Cake
23--Carmel Apple Spice Cake

Next poll:

What unique gift(s) was I given in the past?

Trampoline..................................................0 votes (0%)

Fancy Letter Opener.................................1 vote (25%)

Fortune Cookies..........................................1 vote (25%)

Sewing machine..........................................3 votes (75%)

Pet Snake......................................................0 votes (0%)

This is a weird question...............................1 vote (25%)

The answers:
I was never given a trampoline or a pet fact, I don't like snakes at all!
I was given a fancy letter opener (on my 19th birthday I believe--by my kind, generous, and usually nice, younger sister :-) )
I have been give fortune cookies several times over the years on birthdays and Christmases--also given by my sister. (this will be explained in the next poll result)
I was given a sewing machine by Mom and Dad on my 18th birthday. :-) (I still have yet to actually learn the art of sewing skills are minimal. :-) )
And yes it was a rather weird question. :-)

What birthday did the "Amanda is going to China" joke start?

15..............1 vote (20%)

16...............1 vote (20%)

17..............1 vote (20%)

18..............0 votes (0%)

19.............1 vote (20%)

20.............0 votes (0%)

21.............1 vote (20%)

22.............0 votes (0%)

Ironically, everyone was wrong on this poll! (including my own sister who started the whole thing! :-) )

The joke technically started the summer I was 17, but I didn't start getting the presents until my 18th birthday, so technically, 17 is sort of right. :-) But the real answer is 18.

Now you are probably wondering, what joke? :-)

The summer I was 17 our church had the teens/young people do VBS. I was in charge of reading the missionary story every night at the end of the program. :-) The missionaries featured were John and Betty Stam---who were missionaries (and martyrs) to China. the interesting part begins. My, ahem, as I as said, "usually nice" sister decided for some strange reason, to start this thing saying that "Amanda is going to be a missionary to China." All because I did a story on missionaries to China! As a result--I was and continue to be given "Chinese" presents on birthdays and Christmases. Examples--a hand guide to learning Chinese, Chinese cookbooks, fortune cookies, a Chinese necklace, fan, chop sticks, a tea set, a tea cozy--and that's just a few of the things! The joke, I thought was finally dying down, however, for my birthday this year I got "Chinese red tea cookies." (I still need to try them :-) )

For the record--I'm not fond of Chinese food and have no plans to become a missionary to China. :-)

As a result of this joke, my sister has managed to spread it around to some friends at our church, and they have also given me Chinese presents! In fact, Sarah reminded me, that one friend actually had a dream about me teaching English to Chinese kids at Jungle Jims! (local store)
Needless to say....any time we have a missionary at church from China or someone TALKS about China...those who know about the joke all look at me and smirk. :-)

So now you know!

Hope you enjoyed learning a little bit more about me. :-)

Oh, and yes, I did have a very nice birthday yesterday! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

Until my next post...

Amanda the old :-)

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