Thursday, February 26, 2009

February Update

Hello! This isn't a book review, but I thought I should update you on what is going on with me these days. (if you don't really care, that's fine and you can stop reading now :-) ) Actually, I'm thinking I should do these little update things once a month...hmm...maybe I should do a poll and see what you think. :-)

Work this month has been a mixture between busy and slow, depending on the week. The one week where I had a lot of time off, I spent my time doing lots of cooking and cleaning, and ignoring the blog. So yes, I did have time to do some blogging this month, but I wanted to spend my time doing other things. :-) Overall I love working at a craft store, except I really wish they had different music... :-)

As for cooking, this month I tried several new recipes and had a goal to use up a bag of wheat flour that has been around for awhile. (okay to be honest, using up the flour was just part of the goal, the real goal was to use up several ingredients that have been around for awhile) Recipes varied from potato soup, banana bread, whole wheat bread, a couple of cookie recipes, and the latest was homemade whole wheat crackers! (the goal of using up the flour wasn't quite accomplished, but I made a significant dent in it! Maybe I'll make something today... :-)) I had a lot of fun with new recipes, but I could tell I needed to get back to work, because I was driving myself and Mom crazy. :-)

The past week or two, I've been busy trying to sell things (or just get rid of things) online. It varies from books, to home school books for friends, clothes, and some other things. This week I've been trying to get my taxes done. (not the most fun thing in the world to do)

In addition to all of that, our church is celebrating 90 years this April and I and some others will be involved with trying to do a scrapbook and a variety of other things to prepare for that. This will be keeping me pretty busy for the next couple of months, so, don't expect too many book reviews! :-)

Speaking of book reviews and blogging...

I still hope to get a review done this month and with all the activity in the coming months, I will consider it a success if I can get one to three book reviews done a month. We will see though! If you are wondering on the status of Dad blogging, well, nothing to report yet, he hasn't started on anything else to my knowledge, but maybe I can get him to write something soon.

Other things...

At the end of January I attended a marriage conference with Dad and Mom. I enjoyed it and I've been considering summarizing my notes etc. here on the blog. (hmm, another poll idea!)

Also, my best friend is back in town with her new baby girl. I got to see her and the baby last Friday, briefly. I am so thrilled they are back and am looking forward to more visits! :-)

I've also been having fun working on some knitting these days. I found a bunch of dish cloth patterns online that I've been trying. (Yes, I know, my knitting knowledge is very limited, the only thing I've ever done is dish clothes)

What I've been reading...

Well, to be honest, not much! I read a Noel Piper book that I'm borrowing from a friend. It was very good and I hope to review it (along with my list from the past couple of months) here in the near future. My stack of books to read and review is still around, but I am kind of ignoring it. (I'm sure the people who are lending me books wish I would hurry up! However, they haven't said :-) ) I also picked up a bunch of books recently that I'm reading and then selling. They won't make it here for a review, but that is keeping me slightly busy. :-)

The Love Challenge...

I was thinking of doing an entire post to update on this, but I may just have a small snippet here.

I've been working sporadically on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8b, and yesterday I said them to Dea, and with the exception of forgetting "is not provoked" I got through them! It was fun learning these verses, but also very convicting! I hope to get back to memorizing Philippians in March.

Just a comment about memorizing, if you aren't memorizing anything right now, I'd really encourage you to start! Find a partner to be accountable to and you will be a little more determined. :-) If you think you don't have time to memorize, you really do. I try to work on my verses during my lunch break at work. I don't get to look at them every time, but I've found that using the last 10 minutes or so of my break is a great time to look at verses! I'm sure everyone has about 10 minutes in the day they can spare. :-)

I think that is the majority of things that have been going on during the last month or so. Hopefully you didn't mind my rambling post. :-) I will try to get some polls and a book review done today or tomorrow.

Have a great day!


me said...

Hi Amanda!
I enjoyed the reading the updates in this post!!
Even though I was already familiar with much of what you have been up to :) It's was still fun to read! I'm glad to see that you are encouraging others to memorize scripture!!! You are an encouragement to me in that area as well!! Have a great day.

AJSBookBlogger said...

I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the updates, hee, even if you do hear most of this stuff on Sundays or Wednesdays! :-) I'm glad I encourage you in memorization, although, I think you encourage me more than I do you! But, we will just say we encourage each other. :-)
Thanks for the comment and have a great day!
Amanda :-)